2024-25 Trail Reports Generated on 2025-02-13 at 8:20 am |
Jump to: Bergland Ski Trail | Boundary Road Trails | Calumet Lake Winter Trails | Chassell Ski Trails | Chassell Snowshoe Trails | CHTC End of The Road Trails | Churning Rapids Ski Trails | Churning Rapids Snow Bike | Copper Harbor | Courtney Lake Ski Trails | Eagle Harbor Ski Trails | Maasto Hiihto Ski Trails | Michigan Tech | Swedetown | Swedetown Snow Bike |
Updated within the past 24 hours Updated within the past 24-48 hours Updated outside of the past 48 hours |
Churning Rapids Snow Bike 2025-02-13 07:00 am · Back to top We apologize, trails have not been groomed this week. Our two main groomers are out of town. |
Chassell Snowshoe Trails 2025-02-12 10:00 pm · Back to top The Blue, Orange and Green trails were walked over within the last two days. The Yellow trail though well defined, will be walked over tomorrow and the Red trail afterwards. |
Swedetown Snow Bike 2025-02-12 05:00 pm · Back to top Loops 1-3 were double passed today. Should be setting up nice! Loop 5 was double passed with the pan drag yesterday, likely isn't as hard as loops 1-3. Loop 4 is still fairly soft. We are working on training others on snowbike grooming and improving the trails for the weekend. |
Swedetown 2025-02-12 12:30 pm · Back to top Husky grooming again today! We are working on preparing for the Great Bear Chase grooming, so much of the grooming time today was spent on practicing for that. As such, the Bear loops and Relentless loop were skipped today. Expect 1-2 inches of powder on those trails that have fallen since we Husky groomed them yesterday. Looking like a gorgeous day for skiing, the trail is setting up very well with these colder temperatures and fresh snow. All trails marked below completed as of 12:30 pm. Enjoy your ski! |
Boundary Road Trails 2025-02-12 10:00 am · Back to top Rolled last night, dragged and set tracks this morning. Excellent conditions! |
Michigan Tech 2025-02-12 09:00 am · Back to top Off to a later start due to some groomer training. Upper trails are done. Headed into Portage now and then will proceed to Hairpin and then down to the Lowers. I will finish in Competition … looks to be about noon. Things are grooming out beautifully. Expect stupendous conditions and some sunshine. Get to the Trails and enjoy. |
Eagle Harbor Ski Trails 2025-02-12 08:00 am · Back to top 100% groomed and tracked. Good coverage with a couple thin spots, if you can believe that. Our machine is limping along, with more repairs needed, but hopefully the trail conditions will remain in good condition. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts! |
Chassell Ski Trails 2025-02-11 03:00 pm · Back to top Rolled the trail twice and set tracks. We didn't take a measurement, but we easily had over a half-foot of new snow to groom. The woods are beautiful! |
Maasto Hiihto Ski Trails 2025-02-11 03:00 pm · Back to top All trails rolled. |
Churning Rapids Ski Trails 2025-02-11 03:00 pm · Back to top All trails rolled. |
CHTC End of The Road Trails 2025-02-09 10:00 am · Back to top The core system was groomed and tracked this morning. Things have firmed up nicely. |
Calumet Lake Winter Trails 2025-02-08 07:00 pm · Back to top After the storm the drifts on the East end of Lake Trail were tackled by the snowblower. Today I Snowshoed and dealt with drifts on remainder of Lake Trail then groomed it. Forest Loop West is partially snowshoed in prep for grooming. Plan tomorrow afternoon is to finish it and hopefully get Forest Loop East ready for grooming as well. |
Bergland Ski Trail 2025-02-06 03:00 pm · Back to top Dragged and track set. Trails are in good condition. |
Courtney Lake Ski Trails 2025-02-06 02:00 pm · Back to top Groomed and track set. Trails are in good condition. |
Copper Harbor 2025-02-01 10:15 am · Back to top The trails have been groomed & tracked this morning and are in fare condition. Think snow, we need more! |