Keweenaw Trails

Nordic Skiing in the Keweenaw

With almost 250″ of annual snowfall, the Keweenaw cross country ski season can last from Thanksgiving through mid-April.

The Keweenaw boasts ski trails for all abilities and interests — from wide trails groomed daily for skating and classic style, to narrow intimate striding-only wooded trails. Get in a great aerobic workout or take a leisurely ski for a view of Lake Superior.

Four trail systems (Chassell, Michigan Tech, Swedetown and Maasto Hiihto/Churning Rapids) offer a combined annual pass at a modest cost (try our on-line trail pass payment option). Each of these trails also offers a reasonable day rate for visitors. Other trails operate from donations — please support the trails and those who do the maintenance and grooming.

Keweenaw Trails